How it all Started
In 2022, a group of believers from Summerland started attending Calvary Chapel Kelowna on Sunday Mornings after listening to some Calvary Chapel pastors such as Pastor Skip Heitzig and Pastor Gary Hamrick.
They resonated with Calvary Chapel: The simplicity of the ministry, the love and fellowship of the saints, and, of course, the uncompromised verse by verse teaching of the Bible.
They resonated with Calvary Chapel: The simplicity of the ministry, the love and fellowship of the saints, and, of course, the uncompromised verse by verse teaching of the Bible.

A Prayerful Request
A request was made to Pastor Dale Baldwin of Calvary Chapel Kelowna: "would you be willing to come teach us the Bible on a mid-week evening in Summerland?"
Pastor Dale considered it prayerfully. He thought that perhaps around 10-12 people would come and we could start a Home Group for our Summerlanders. Last October he said "yes" to teaching on Tuesday Nights. Our first gathering was at the Summerland Library on October 4, 2022. Over 30 people came.
Pastor Dale considered it prayerfully. He thought that perhaps around 10-12 people would come and we could start a Home Group for our Summerlanders. Last October he said "yes" to teaching on Tuesday Nights. Our first gathering was at the Summerland Library on October 4, 2022. Over 30 people came.
A Bible Study
After outgrowing the Library room on the first week, Pastor Dale, along with his associate, Pastor Markus, began teaching us the book of Revelation at St. Stephen's Anglican Church weekly on Tuesday nights.
Many came to hear the Word of God being preached. Joy filled the room as we discussed the return of the Lord and we worshiped the King of Kings together.
It became evident that we needed to plant a Calvary Chapel in Summerland. There are many in our group that have been praying for a ministry like this to happen in Summerland for many years.
Many came to hear the Word of God being preached. Joy filled the room as we discussed the return of the Lord and we worshiped the King of Kings together.
It became evident that we needed to plant a Calvary Chapel in Summerland. There are many in our group that have been praying for a ministry like this to happen in Summerland for many years.

"We Need a Pastor"
As it became more evident that the Lord's favour was upon the work in Summerland and that our group was ripe and ready for a church plant, the next big step was identifying a pastor to lead the ministry.
Burdened for the people in Summerland and the South Okanagan, Pastor Markus fasted and prayed about moving to Summerland to plant Lakeside Calvary Chapel.
After sharing with the elders at Calvary Kelowna that he was sensing the Lord's direction to go to Summerland, they all agreed to send Pastor Markus with their support and blessing.
Burdened for the people in Summerland and the South Okanagan, Pastor Markus fasted and prayed about moving to Summerland to plant Lakeside Calvary Chapel.
After sharing with the elders at Calvary Kelowna that he was sensing the Lord's direction to go to Summerland, they all agreed to send Pastor Markus with their support and blessing.
Choosing a Name
It was clear that our church in Summerland would reach beyond our community. There are many among us who live in the surrounding areas of Peachland, Penticton, Okanagan Falls, Kaledon, and even further south.
Wanting to find a name that is simple and inclusive of the South Okanagan communities, we landed on the name "Lakeside Calvary Chapel"
Wanting to find a name that is simple and inclusive of the South Okanagan communities, we landed on the name "Lakeside Calvary Chapel"

The Quintero's Move to Summerland
On Sep 1, 2023, Pastor Markus and his family moved into their new home in Trout Creek. This is a perfect location for them as their kids will be enrolled in Penticton Christian school, while they pastor our church in Summerland.
Because of all of the help and support of their friends, their 20 foot Uhaul was unpacked in less than one hour.
They love living in this new community!
Because of all of the help and support of their friends, their 20 foot Uhaul was unpacked in less than one hour.
They love living in this new community!
Pre-Launch Prayer
On Tuesday, October 10th, we had our final gathering at St. Stephen's Anglican Church
We dedicated the evening to worship and prayer. We worshiped Jesus, thanking Him for what He has already done; and spent time praying for the church plant, Summerland, and the South Okanagan Communities. We were thankful to have many from our Calvary Kelowna family join us.
We dedicated the evening to worship and prayer. We worshiped Jesus, thanking Him for what He has already done; and spent time praying for the church plant, Summerland, and the South Okanagan Communities. We were thankful to have many from our Calvary Kelowna family join us.

Launch Sunday
On October 15, 2023, we had our first official Sunday Service as a church at the Summerland Community Centre. We are gathering weekly on Sunday afternoons, 4 PM, and studying through the gospel of John together.
Our desire is that many will come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and find life that can only be found in His name.
Our desire is that many will come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and find life that can only be found in His name.